Send the Wambulance

I’m still here. I am having a bit of a dilemma about the blog. A popular local blogger linked to a posted item on  Normally, I get about 100 visitors a day. This one link resulted in over 900 visitors. I was really grateful.

But when I looked through my stats, some of the visitors were from some pretty official sounding places. After learning what happened to ND, I am a little nervous. I think I do a decent job concealing my identity. However, Virgin did find me. I hadn’t even told her I had a blog. So maybe, not so much.

I’ve wanted to blog about work. For the first time all summer, I’ve been dreading going to work on Monday. That probably makes it sound super interesting, but its not. I always have a hard time with office politics, even if I enjoy the work. And with all respect to Lady Gaga, I do not have a poker face. If I’m upset, people know it. On Friday, I had a bit of a moment.

So I will get back to you in a moment. I am trying to decide whether or not to throw caution to the wind.

10 thoughts on “Send the Wambulance

  1. There is a lot of angst going on in the MILPosphere because of this issue and its really hard to know what to do

  2. Just curious as to what happened to ND? I am a mom in grad school but not in law school and I love reading the MILP blogs. Hers was a favorite, and then just disappeared recently. What happened? Hope everything is okay…..

  3. Don’t throw caution to the wind. But also, if you feel the need to blog cautiously, maybe consider a password-protected blog, like PBB. That’s what I’m considering. Or password-protecting some posts. I ran into another wordpress blog that had certain posts password-protected. (I don’t think you can password-protect certain posts on Blogger, though, which sucks for me.)

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