Maybe not.

My son has a terrific case of the “NOs” that usually hit around three years old. But in his case, it is the “Maybe nots.” Instead of screaming “NO NO NO” like a normal toddler, he just calmly says “maybe not.”

One of his moms: P, it’s time for bed.

P: Maybe not.

One of his moms: P, eat your broccoli

P: Maybe not

One of his moms: P, big boys use the potty. Do you want to try it?

P: Maybe not.

We don’t even know where he got it from. Jen tells him that he is over using. I like it. He is at the stage he should be developmentally, but he sounds kind of classy. I think I will try it out.

Law school: Hey, Googie Baba.  Classes start tomorrow. Aren’t you excited?

Googie Baba: Maybe not. 

6 thoughts on “Maybe not.

  1. Hilarious. He’s onto a very useful. It’s polite, but it clearly communicated the ultimate result. “I’ll think about it” is far less clear. “I’d prefer not” is equally polite, but leaves open the possibility of the old “I’d prefer so!” retort. I think that P is developmentally advanced, not on track. In fact, I think he may have outpaced me already.

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