Now go away. Thank-you.

A girl that I know found my blog through a link on Jen’s blog. She wrote on my facebook wall

You are such a good writer. I didn’t think that I gave a shit about your stupid life, but you make it fun to read.

With compliments like these, who needs insults? But this is the reason why I am not worried about kids in my law school finding my blog. I am not that interesting. If people want to read about my every thought, be my guest.

I’ve been “interesting”. It wasn’t that interesting. The life I lived made for some good Sunday morning stories, but it wasn’t worth the emotional price I paid. Somewhere in my twenties I discovered being intimate with a lot of people made you intimate with no one.

I read a poem in the 90’s by Anselm Berrigan that spoke to me. A line went

I want to do boring things with my lover like turning the blender on low

I wanted boring things too. Who had I been trying to entertain? I wanted to change the sheets and go to bed early.

And since I am on the subject, being beautiful wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Take it from someone who used to be beautiful.  I wasn’t as happy at 22 and 110 lbs, as I am now, standing naked in front of an open refrigerator door at 2 am.

Which brings me to the real subject of this post. Nothing in my life that has happened so far is a great as a 3 year olds birthday party. Check out the wild animals.






12 thoughts on “Now go away. Thank-you.

  1. who would write something like that? that’s awful- I cannot believe it. and that was a great idea for a birthday party! I bet everyone had a blast!

  2. That comment is HILARIOUS. I must be one sick and twisted mofo.

    That party looks awesome.

    And I am of the opinion that you SHOULD have a lot of sex with different people BECAUSE that way you know what you’re doing when the right person comes along. *angelic grin*

  3. Still though, backhanded kind of joke.

    I love this sentiment: wasn’t as happy at 22 and 110 lbs, as I am now, standing naked in front of an open refrigerator door at 2 am.

    That is awesome.

  4. I’ll turn the blender on with you anyday- or the juicer, the washer, or the white noise machine in the little boys room. I loved this post, another reason I love you.

  5. I’m a recent lurker – 30 year old mom-of-one (eventually more!) who is considering law school. Trying to make my decision with as much info as possible, which includes reading about the “stupid lives” of women who have pondered, made, or rejected the same decision, and how they feel about it. That Law School Roundup was a treasure trove of helpful blog links for me!

    Sounds like the poor girl made one of those jokes that would perhaps work when said out loud – with proper inflection, a little eye roll maybe, or a playful jab in the ribs – but sunk like a stone in print.

    I enjoy reading about your domestic felicity, the anecdotes of a life well lived and well loved. Happiness and contentment don’t make good subjects for soap operas or plays (no tension! No denouement!) But I find them perfectly suitable to blogs. 😉 You and the weef and kids have a fabulous day.


    PS – Should I go to law school? Anyone? Can anyone reading this just make this decision for me? Because that would be AWESOME.

  6. Hey Gilian,
    Thanks for posting. Everyone has to make the decision for themselves. Only you know your family’s situation, career goals and your heart’s desire. I am half way through, and I go back and forth and whether or not this was a good decision, or a horrendous mistake.

    What I have been mentally processing is the enormity of the cost. The type of law that I am interested in pays next to nothing, so financially, this wasn’t a smart move. However, I still have high hopes that I will find fulfilling and meaningful employment.

    Emotionally, it has been more difficult than I expected. It is a very competitive environment, and I am not a very competitive person. Plus, it means ALOT of time away from your family. More than I was prepared for.

    But I have met some great people. I have had some terrific professors. The law is interesting. I have learned an incredible amount.

    I don’t know if this helps at all. But even though I am in law school, I am still struggling with the decision to be here, if that makes any sense.


  7. I love that you identify her as “a girl that I know.” I think Facebook should make that an option rather than “Friend.”

    Other options I would advocate for? “A girl my girlfriend dated in college,” “a guy I went to a party with once and apparently talked to,” and “someone I it appears I went to high school with.”

  8. Gillian,

    For what it’s worth, I’m a lawyer and my partner, Mo, is in law school right now. I (Meg) am the primary writer over at our blog, but I know either of us would be happy to answer any questions.


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