
Welcome to my world!

This is a blog mostly about Good night moon and diapers, but with some queer theory and feminist rantings thrown in. I am a lesbian mother living out her dreams with her wife and children in the great state of Massachusetts where we are legally married.

I cashed out my 401k so I could stay at home for my son’s first year. I watched too many episodes of Law and Order, and went to law school. We had our daughter my last semester in school. How I passed Corporations, I’ll never know. I am currently a nominally employed lawyer. That doesn’t bother me as much as it used to. I am writing my first mystery novel.

15 thoughts on “About

  1. Yay, another law school mom. 🙂 Your blog is great. Have you read “Adventures of Law School Mama”? Dakota has two kids with her partner and is going into her third year of law school. You might enjoy her.

    ~ PT-LawMom

  2. Hey – Do I know you by another name? (Not really expecting you to reveal that here.) I came across your blog because you link to mine, and you SEEM like someone I should know. Welcome to the club!Baby-making during first year of law school? Really? If possible, wait until Y2. Less stress. The first year is an emotional roller coaster into a strange new land – for you and your wife. It is likely to be wonderful and horrible (sometimes at the same moment) on you and your family. It gets better 🙂

    Have fun and good luck!

  3. It was very nice to read your blog. My name is Heather and my partner Sheri and I live in Tucson Arizona. We are expecting our first child in December and plan to move to Boston (or somewhere near enough to commute) the December or January following.

    There are many reasons for our decision to move: one being that Sheri has no rights to our child here, two is that Arizona is ranked the lowest in education out of all of the states, and three is the job market situation.

    I was inspired by your attending law school, as I have dreamed of it but cant see a feasible way to attend since working will not be an option while in school. Sheri and I will both have our Masters degrees by the end of this year (right before the baby is due…whew :-)) and with all of our other plans it all feels overwhelming.

    If you get the time or inclination, it would be nice to correspond with you about your move, your life now, and anything else helpful you can think of.

    Good luck to you with your classes.


  4. Whoa! I used to live in Massachusetts! Sorry, this is irrelevant to all of the other comments on your blog, but I felt the need to state this.

  5. I wanted to write you and say that I really enjoy reading your blog. It is a great read. Hopefully you’ll be writing more now that finals are over. It is stellar.

    I am also writing you to introduce Eden Fantasys. We are an online adult community and etailer. Over the past few years we have developed an amazing community of contributors from all over. We offer wide open forums for them to discuss issues without fear of prejudice. We have thousands of customer reviews with material guides. We offer online interviews with manufacturers, artists, social media gurus and more. We also have an online magazine devoted to quality writing and exploration of sex and culture. We really have an amazing community and love working with them and showing them off.

    Over the past few months we have worked really hard to raise awareness of what we have to offer. I have been working with other great parents and bloggers using fun promo’s like contest and reviews as well as editorial write-ups and more to spread the word and have fun as well!! I would be honored if you would be interested in working with Eden Fantasys and helping to bring your community and mine together.

    Either way keep up your amazing blog, I look forward to reading more.

    Laura Manfredi
    twitter: LilDrummerGrrl

  6. Hit Play Seeking Moms
    “Expressing Motherhood” the on-going play about motherhood is searching for Boston area moms to share their stories about being moms. This unique play is a perfect opportunity for you moms looking to flex your creative side by writing and then sharing your story on stage. Submissions are being accepted January 1st-31st. The play is scheduled for Fall 2010 for a 3 night run. Info: Local Producer, Sabrina Kavet, boston@expressingmotherhood.com or http://www.expressingmotherhood.com.

    Sabrina Kavet
    Local Producer

  7. I just stumbled across your blog today, and am already hooked!
    My partner and I live in Ontario, Canada, where we, too, are legally married.
    I am going back to school for paralegal, which has put our parenting plans on hold for now, but I will be starting a blog with our TTC and (hopefully) mommy adventures once our lives even out a bit.
    Keep blogging, I love what you’re writing.

  8. Hi There!

    First, I LOVE your blog!!! I just wanted to share something with you that might be of interest. It’s a short film I’ve been working on called “The Maiden and The Princess,” starring David Anders and Julian Sands. It’s about a little girl trying to come to terms with her sexuality amidst a musical fairytale 🙂 We’re trying to raise money to get the film out there on the festival circuit, and get us through the final stages of post production!

    If you could post it on your blog, that would be AMAZING!!!!

    Here’s the link to our kickstarter campaign: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1396193475/the-maiden-and-the-princess

    Thank you SO much!

    Ali Scher

  9. Hello,
    Thank you for writing. Your blog has been exceptionally informative. I have very recently moved to Boston and know no one here (all of my friends and family live in a different state). I was hoping you may provide some insight into some places I should visit to meet new people.

    ps. I wanted to email you privately rather than post here, but couldn’t find an option to do so. Thanks in advance.


  10. I hope this email finds you well! I am the senior editor at Equally Wed, the nation’s premier online wedding publication for same-sex couples. I am thrilled to say that we’re expanding, and later this fall, will be launching our brand new LGBT parenting site: Equally Family. I am currently seeking guest parenting bloggers to contribute a post once a month (or more, if you desire!), and would be thrilled to feature you. Of course, since this is guest blogging, we encourage self-promotion of your own blog and it’s an open platform on the subject matter, whether it’s hilarious parenting mishaps, serious milestones, LGBT parenting issues or anything in between.

    If this doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, we’re also searching for Real Families to feature in a full-length editorial article, and would love to feature your beautiful family. It consists of answering simple questions via email and submitting photos. Please email me at bdrye [at] equallywed [dot] com if you’re interested in either of these opportunities and I’d be happy to provide more detailed information.

    Thank you so much and I hope to hear from you. Please let me know if you have any questions!



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